
Life begins at thirty? Well at least the chapter I find myself in makes me feel like it has just begun. I prided myself in being one of those people who was always leading the way; travelling overseas by myself at eighteen, falling in love with a foreigner, getting married at twenty-one, moving overseas…yeah actually it pretty much stopped there. We moved back to my hometown of the Gold Coast, Australia after eighteen months and became pretty normal. Everyone else caught up to us and then sped past, waving from behind their lawn mowers and strollers.

It wasn’t all bad mind you, but the one thing that menacingly eluded us was parenthood. Finally, after nearly nine years of marriage and six years of trying, we welcomed our first baby, Joseph (Joey) into the world in January, 2012. So now I am a stay-at-home mum and foraying into the world of blogging in an attempt to keep my four walls from closing in on me and taking with it my memories of the wonderful wide world out there.

A huge part of my life is my faith; I came to know Jesus as my Lord and Saviour when I was nineteen. A lot of what I write about comes from my personal experiences and how God has worked in them or taught me something about His character. I also love cooking and reading and always have a health or fitness kick that I am on so keep an eye out for my latest recipes, book reviews as well as training and parenting anecdotes. Thanks for checking me out; I look forward to your comments and making some new friends online.

Ben and Kate

My favourite little man, 4 months old

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